Last night I decided to assemble and paint an additional nine of these sci-fi warriors to use to represent Klingons in my Star Trek role playing and miniatures games.

The miniatures are cast with separate heads and arms meaning that they can be put together in lots of different combinations. I planned to assemble three equiped with pistols, three with rifles and three with double handed melee weapons.
The bodies are cast on a slotta strip and are supplied with standard, 25mm round plastic slot bases. However, I like to mount sci-fi miniatures on clear bases so I snipped the strip off and filed the underneath of the feet square, before assembling with superglue.
After mounting the miniatures on to temporary painting bases, I primed them using Halfords Grey Primer. This suits the dark pallet used for painting these warriors. I started by painting the Torso’s using Army Painter Speed Paint : Gravelord Grey. When this had completely dried, I lightly drybrushed over the top with Army Painter: Wolf Grey.
Faces and hands were painted with Army Painter Speed Paint: Hardened Leather which had a quick dry brush with Army Painter Tanned Flesh.
Trousers were painted with Speedpaint : Dark Wood.
Boots, arms, weapons and hair were all painted with Speedpaint: Grimblack.
Weapons were given a quick drybrush with Army Painter Gun Metal and finally flesh and weapons were given a quick wash of Army Painter Dark Tone.
When the paints had completely dried I applied a brush on coat of Gloss varnish to protect them before over spraying with Army Painter Matt Varnish to remove the shine. When the varnish was completely dried the miniatures were removed from there temporary MDF painting bases and were superglued on to thin clear bases that I had made by punching 25mm diameter circles from some Ultra-Pro Top-Loader card sleeves.
The miniatures are all from the Sally 4th Landing Party range and were painted using Army Painter Speed Paint and Army Painter Acrylic Warpaint.