Gangs of the Undercity – Zombie Dawn

by | Nov 26, 2022 | Battle Reports, Gangs of the Undercity | 0 comments

Mike and I got together for a great game of Gangs of the Undercity. Gangs of the Undercity is our own ‘fan variant’ of Gangs of Rome, that allows you to play a Gang themed skirmish in any medieval / fantasy themed city. We have produced a set of Gangs of the Undercity downloads that include fighter cards, equipment cards, quick reference sheets plus the Gangs of Rome Quickstart PDF. This is everything that you need to play the game, but if you like it, I’d recommend buying the complete rulebook from Footsore miniatures… I believe it only costs £8!

The game that we played used 100 point gangs. This allows you to field four fighters with some points over to buy some gear. All fighters are assumed to come equipped with a basic melee weapon (something like a cosh or a dagger). Additional equipment can be brought and is held in a pool and equipped to fighters as they need it. I have made some special bases that have a nice embossed flagstone effect and hold an ID number and a health marker. The order of the cards on the table denotes the associated figure, for example the 3rd character card from the left is Bridget. The miniature for Bridget has a Blue 3 Id. Bridget’s health is 5 so she has a red 5 health marker on her figures base. You can click here to take a look at these and other special flagstone bases and movement trays I’ve made for the game. Mike’s figures used a different colour (Green) for there Id markers.

We had 6 mobs on the table. These represent the crowds of townsfolk going about there business. They are mounted on 60mm – 80mm round bases. We also had mobs of Zombies. The premise for the scenario was that some foul Necromancer had caused the dead to rise from there graves in the town’s graveyard, and rampage through the city in search of flesh to eat. There were 6 single based townsfolk. One of these was a ‘person of importance’ that the gangs were hired to escort out of town to protect from the Zombie hordes. Zombie ‘mobs’ moved around the table like normal mobs, but there reaction included an option to attack nearest fighter, stand still, or move randomly.

At the end of each turn the Zombie mobs moved D10 straight ahead until they had left the graveyard, then they moved in a random direction.

I had equipped Bridget with a bow and quickly moved her to a good vantage point for covering the table. Henry (Blue 4) has moved up to a mob and is about to ‘blend’ with it. This allows him to disappear into the crowd and on a subsequent turn exit from any mob base on the table.

After several false trails, Elizabeth (Blue 2) is successful and finds the Lady who needs escorting out of town.

Mike’s gang can be seen advancing through the formal gardens. He already has a fighter close to Elizabeth, who is attempting to take control of the Lady. His other characters are about to ‘blend’ with the crowd to move quickly to lend a hand.

Before long a huge melee erupts on the stairs.

After much backwards and forwards, Elizabeth does eventually escape the brawl with Lady in tow and makes a dash for the board edge.


Free Gangs of the Undercity Rules

My Gang used models from Sally 4th Dark Alleys range

Mike’s Gang was based on Frostgrave Cultists plastic kit

Townsfolk Mobs use models from ‘The Villagers’ range

Zombie mobs use Models from Sally 4th’s Undead Range

Flagstone bases & Movement Trays


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