This morning Mike and I have been enjoying an excellent game of 7TV on the Venetian inspired WaterSpire 3D Printed terrain.
Our game is inspired by Dr Who and uses 30 point casts.
My cast is based around The Dr (Unearthly Traveller), his plucky assistant (Plucky Assistant), the King (Renegade Royal) and the Cardinals Guard (Army Officer & Army Privates). The Dr and his assistant are Crooked Dice Miniatures. The King and Cardinals Guard are from Warbases.
Mike’s Venetian Sea Devil’s league fielded two Sea Devils (Eldritch Horrors) a Cult Leader (Malign Zealot) and four Cultists (Dark Disciples). The Sea Devils are 3D printed Deep Ones, designed by Iain Lovecraft and available as part of the WaterSpire Terrain & Miniatures Kickstarter. The Cultists are all Crooked Dice Miniatures.
We played the ‘Necropolis’ mission. The King has summoned the Dr to save Venice. The floating city has become a dangerous place after dark…. and it’s a bit scary during the daytime as well. Some evil cultists have discovered an ancient shrine, under the city, accessed by a magical portal behind the crumbling statue on the Passarella dul Mare. The ritual they plan to perform on the shrine will tear a rift in the fabric of time and space allowing the free passage of Eldritch horrors. They have already had partial success and the summoned Venetian Sea Devils that have been tearing citizens apart are testament to this and the danger to the city if they should succeed with there diabolical plans.
The Doctor and his plucky assistant arrive, exit the Tardis and make contact with the King. The Doctor scans him with his sonic screwdriver. He is really the King.
Meanwhile, across the canal, the cardinals guard have heard the distressing sound of an innocent city dweller being crushed by the Sea Devil and double time to the rescue.
The Sea Devil, now fully fed makes his way towards the bridge to stop the pesky interference of the Doctor.
One of the Cardinals Guard, an unnamed extra, attempts to check the Sea Devils credentials and is charged and crushed by the hideous beast.
Meanwhile, the Zealot lead the deranged cultists up and across the bridge to protect the portal.
Due to some continuity error in the cutting room, the Cardinal’s Guard commander gets repositioned outside group activation range of his troops. The Doctor hurries to investigate the statue.
The extra’s of the Cardinal’s Guard enjoy there five minutes in the limelight as there devastating volley brings down a Sea Devil.
Meanwhile, all is not looking so good for the Doctor. As the king moves into position to slow down the charging cultists and the plucky assistant starts to act like a ‘Danger Magnet’, the Doctor lies on the floor, weakened. We decided, for this scenario that the Doctor is trying to destroy the portal and the cultists are trying to open it. The portal has all of the characteristics on the back of the Necropolis card, but also has the stats of an Eldritch Horror that the Doctor needs to defeat by causing three wounds with his sonic screwdriver to win the scenario.
The King got a round off, dropping a cultist before the rest of the cultists overran him. The plucky assistant stands, pluckily at the base of the stairs, determined to buy the Doctor enough time to destroy the portal.
Meanwhile, back at the bridge, another Sea Devil had swam the canal, clambered up the retaining wall and had charged the Guard Commander, already wounded. We both thought it unlikely that this poor individual would make it to the end of the episode, after Mike threw in a couple of plot points to roll three attack dice. However, on this occasion, the fates were with the Guard Commander as the Sea Devil rolled three ones on it’s attack!
The otherworldly effects of the Necropolis drove most of the Cultists Insane. Only the Zealot was standing (staggering) in a ‘Weakened’ state when the Doctor eventually turned, and with smug satisfaction stated, ‘Well, I think that just about sorts that’. The portal was sealed and Venice was once again saved.
All of the buildings, bridges, Gondolas, statues and other scatter terrain used in this game together with the Sea Devil / Deep Ones and a host of other useful miniatures are available in the WaterSpire Kickstarter, designed by Iain Lovecraft and launching on 25th April.
Click here to sign up for launch notification.
7TV is one of the many fantastic miniatures games that can be played on WaterSpire terrain. We have already covered a Feudal Patrol game (click here for details), and over the coming weeks will also be playing Pulp Alley, In Her Majesties Name, 0200 Hours and Thud and Blunder on the ‘Floating City’
Crooked Dice have a whole supplement devoted to Deep Ones and the like, “Lurkers in the Deep”, click here to take a look.