Recovering the plans had been complicated. Special Agent Hinks had not expected the British Agent, Bond to at the Cathedral rendezvous. They had been compromised. That is when the fun really started. A fast Carlson was in position, keys in the ignition to take them to the exfiltration point, a Tramp Steamer of the coast. The Carlson pulled into the canal. “We’ve got company”.
For this game I fielded two characters, Special Agent Jane Hinks and her British counterpart James Bond. I used the Duo League Perk to give Jane a starting health of D10 and an additional skill.
Mike fielded a traditional league, led by Dr Ernst Evil assisted by his trusty sidekick, Number Two and a swarm of nameless minions on jetbikes.
The scenario we played was a modified version of China Station, Episode 6, The Hijackers. Instead of setting on a rural road with leagues in trucks and other motor vehicles, the game took place on the waterways of Venice with the leagues deploying in fast speed boats and jet bikes. The terrain was set up with two impassable areas of streets, forming an ‘S’ shaped escape route. The leagues deployed in the top right hand corner, Bond & Hinks deploying 18″ in and Dr Evil and his followers up to 6″ in. The exit point was the bottom left hand corner. Bond & Hinks start the game in possession of the mysterious package.
Good progress is made down the first straight, followed by a high speed turn. We used the vehicle rules, originally published in ‘Guns & Vehicles’ supplement but now included in the 2nd Edition main rule book. We used copies of the paper templates in the book for tracking health of boats and characters positions in multi-occupancy craft.
At this point, Hinks is injured, flung from the boat and in the water.
An the savage exchange of fire, both the boat and Hinks are injured. Bond gallantly goes back to pick her up.
Now it’s the turn of the nameless minions to get wet. The Jetbikes are fast and manoeuvrable, but a bit fragile. I hope the extras were paid stuntmen rates, as lots of them ended up somersaulting off into the water. Once the bike was removed, they were replaced with a minion on foot.
A short break from the fight, as Bond rounds the corner. He just needs to pass a challenge now as he speeds through a perilous area of floating debris.
Dr Evil and his minions attempt to pass the perils of the floating debris.
This minion (top left) was shot off his jetbike very early on and spent several turns foundering in the water attempting to climb out of the canal and failing the check rolls, before dripping wet and exhausted he makes it across the street to get off a passing shot at the opposition.
It was an exciting and close run game. Pulp Alley handles high speed chases well, on land and on the water. Mike & I had a lot of fun and are very much looking forward to our next Pulp Alley adventure!
All of the terrain is from the WaterSpire Kickstarter which is live now and runs until 19th May, click here to take a look!
Useful links:
Miniatures used for Agent Hinks & Commander Bond
Model Glastron Speedboat, Boat Crew & model jetbikes (these were all converted by swapping heads with Stargrave helmeted heads from my bits box)
That’s fantastic! Sounds like a really fun game.