Painting Ozz: Cuniculus (Rabbit) Infantry

by | May 22, 2024 | Wars of Ozz | 0 comments

This morning I started painting a new unit for Wars of Ozz, the Black Powder Mass Fantasy Battle game designed by Buck Surdu with miniatures from Old Glory (US) available in UK & Europe from Sally 4th. I decided to star putting together some step by step painting guides to show what I have done. These miniatures are from pack OZZ-800 Cuniculus Infantry. The pack contains 20 foot figures including a command group and a mounted unit leader. I like to paint in two batches of 10/11 miniatures, that way I don’t get bored painting one colour and there is enough time for paint on first miniature in the batch to have dried before it is time to apply the next colour onto it.

At this stage I have glued figures on to temporary painting bases, spray primed them with Halfords White Auto-Primer and applied an all over ink wash of a mix of Games Workshop Aggrax Earthshade and Lahmian Medium (although really and brownish ink would do!).

The first thing that I do, when the ink wash is 100% dry, is to apply a good drybrush of white over the whole miniature. This gives a great surface for the Speed Paint to adhere to and really helps definition of areas and increases contrast. I pay special attention to any areas (like the straps) that are going to remain white.

The first thing that I like to do is to paint in the flesh (or in this case fur). I’ve chosen to paint half with Ruddy Fur and half with Runic Grey. When I paint the other half of the unit, I will use a different brown and grey to get a nice bit of variety in the fur colour.

My Cuniculus are going to be inspired by Napoleonic British, so I painted the jackets using Slaughter Red.

Different regiments are going to have different facing colours including blue and yellow. This first regiment has green facings and waistcoats painted in Orc Skin.

The trousers have been painted using a light grey from Army Painter Speedpaints, Battleship Grey.

The next thing to be painted was muskets, which were painted using Dark Wood. The officers mount was painted using Sand Golem.

Next up was Grim Black. The models are really beginning to come together now. I used this to paint the boots, shakos, cartridge cases and bayonet sheaths.

Turning the models around, ‘Hardened Leather’ was used to colour in the haversacks on the troopers and the officers boot tops.

Enchanted steel was used to paint the metal fittings on the muskets, bayonet handles, chains on shako and the officers sword.

Glittering Loots was my chosen gold tone that I used to paint the cuff buttons, the helmet chain attachment and a number ‘1’ on the cartridge boxes. As I paint additional regiments, the number on the cartridge box will change.

Finally the blanket rolls were painted a dark grey color using ‘Occultist Cloak’. I like the fact that Army Painter now also has a description of the colour on the side of the bottle. ‘Occultist Cloak’ – Blackish Blue Grey!

This batch of miniatures is about finished. I just need to touch up the white straps where paint has strayed on to them, and paint the bases a chocolate brown. I will come back to finish this blog next week after I have painted the other 10 figures to show how I base them and some shots of the completed regiment ready for action!

Click here to take a look at Wars of Ozz Cuniculus (Rabbits) in the Sally 4th webstore.


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