Since the new Bolt Action Starter Set has been released, I have been busy painting up the miniatures that came with it. Last week I posted a Hobby Blog showing how I had painted the twelve German Grenadiers. This week I am painting up the twelve US Rangers.
I assembled the miniatures using the poses and weapon options shown in the Starter Manual. Miniatures were glued to bases, primed white (I use Halfords Auto-Primer) washed with a brown ink wash and then drybrushed lightly using Army Painter Matt White using a 1″ make up brush. This gives a great surface for applying speed paints to and some extra shading as well.
Faces and hands were painted first. You can use your favourite flesh tone. I used 2 drops Crusader Skin to 1 drop Warrior Skin. I like this when I am painting figures that look like they’ve spent some time outside.
Jacket’s and gaiters were painted using Army Painter Bony Matter. If you are painting later war uniforms you can paint jackets using Vallejo Commando Green, the same as trousers.
Weapons and other pieces of wood (such as spade handles) were painted Satchel Brown/ I lightened the tone by mixing 1:1 with Speedpaint Medium
Trousers were painted using Vallejo Xpress Commando Green.
Trousers, jackets and webbing were then given a good coat of Army Painter Military Shader, this is a Quickshade Ink Wash.
Boots were painted Mahogany and helmet straps Willow Bark, both paints from Vallejo Xpress range.
The only parts not painted using SpeedPaints were the helmets and bazooka. These were painted using Vallejo Medium Olive. Metal parts on weapons were painted Black. I used Citadel Contrast Black Legion because I like the way it flows and covers, but any Black will do!
Lastly, canvas weapon slings were painted using Vallejo XPress Bag of Bones.
The edges of the bases were painted black. I applied a few tufts of ‘Gamers Grass’ before painting bases with PVA glue and dipping in a mixture of real soil and Woodland Scenics mixed Turf.
When everything had dried the miniatures were given a good spray of Matt Varnish.
Sally 4th has the Starter Sets on special offer at the moment at £39! Click here to take a look.
Useful Links:
Bolt Action Starter Set, Painted, Based & Ready for Action: My overview of the Bolt Action Starter Set article