Happy New Year!

by | Jan 1, 2025 | ACP164, Uncategorised | 4 comments

Hello loyal reader! I just wanted to drop a quick line to say Happy New Year and talk about progress on a couple of projects.

New Vehicles

In my last post, I included a picture of a Homeguard Truck, and made some not very subtle hints about getting one into plastic. Well, that’s in progress.

I’ve dusted off my 3D modelling skills and transitioned to Blender after several years using the late and lamented MS 3D modelling tool. So, this still needs a bit of work, but we’re approaching the test print stage.

The final design allows for easy creation of variants, which is good, and I have a list of related projects in mind. The final design will be available via My Mini Factory as an STL download. I understand that print-on-demand via Sally 4th is also an option.

Jungle Campaign Book

I’m about to send the new campaign book off for setting. This is titled “Rumble in the Jungle” and is about 24 pages of scenarios and campaign setting. It includes:

  • some rule variations to cover jungle warfare,
  • a new HomeGuard unit structure,
  • new Hero cards, and
  • some really choice maps done by Deniper Graves.

The book will be ‘pocket money’ priced, available in PDF as a download, and there may well be a print on demand option.

It’s the first of a series of three campaign books that are in the pipeline. In no particular order, we will introduce a new faction, delve into combat aboard a spaceship and hopefully culminate in a mega book.

This will cover the Battles for Beii and will be about the same size and scope as the Almata Campaign book.

But once again, this is all dependent on demand.

So, wishing you all the best for the New Year, I shall now return to my mild hangover!


  1. Looking forward to the book. Hope it generates enough interest for a print version. Any plans for a scenario book set in a cold weather environment?

  2. Thanks! The book is being typeset at the moment, and should be out in early March in PDF. Coincidentally I do have a plan for winter war book. The Beii campaign book is third in the queue right now…

  3. Critters in Parkas in the pipeline?

  4. Possibly. It’s fair to say that we are still in the planning stages, and we’d need to gauge demand before committing to new metal.

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