The Spy Who Loved Me has always been one of my favourite vintage James Bond Movies. I have strong recollections of going to see it at the cinema with my Nan when it was released. As a gamer, the submarine breakout scene has always felt like it would translate admirably to the table top. I have waited a long time, but last year (during lockdown) I arranged a miniatures game over zoom with friends both local and the other side of the world!
This is a flavour of how it played.

Thank you to everybody who took part. The game was played over Zoom. This is the image that players had of the game. The main image is from an external web-cam mounted on the ceiling. The insets are the players Mark, Buck, Zeb from various parts of the US, Mike from France and Doug from Harrogate! I’d have never though of this prior to Covid.
The game was played using Buck Surdu’s Combat Patrol.
All of the Miniatures and the Wet Bike are available now from Sally 4th Classic Movie Miniatures range.
I wasn’t looking, but somehow I found you…great stuff