I have been a fan of 28mm Sci-Fi gaming for well over four decades now. Over the years I have played Star Trek, Albedo, Stargrave even a bit of Warhammer 40K back in the old days. One of the things that I have always struggled to find is 28mm seated sci-fi figures to sit on the seats on the bridges, control rooms, transporter rooms, accommodation, offices etc. where our games are set.

Several years ago now we started working on the Albedo Sci-Fi miniatures range and decided for maximum versatility we would design them all with separate heads and arms. More recently we launched the ‘Landing Party’ range of generic 28mm star ship crews, landing parties and all sorts of other sci-fi goodness inspired by some of our favourite stories and show. Both of these ranges are completely compatible and are available as separate pieces in conversion packs as well as complete miniatures. As heads are separate, it is also very easy to convert using parts from other ranges with separate heads. The six miniatures pictured above have been built using Landing Party bodies and arms and heads from the Stargrave Crew 2 plastic miniatures box.
As I wanted to depict star ship crew at work in a bridge or office environment I choose empty handed arms. This particular group are going to be an Albedo star ship crew so heads are from the Albedo range. The bodies are from the seated starship crew pack, which includes seated male and female miniatures.
Here we see them primed and seated on the Landing Party sci-fi / modern swivel seats.
These figures have been converted using Stargrave Female crew heads. All of the Landing Party and Albedo body types are available in male and female versions.
Here we see the Albedo star ship crew operating a bridge based on resin casts from Scotia Grendel. They have loads of fantastic pieces of ships furniture, but unfortunately no chairs to match them. Luckily the Landing Party Swivel Chairs are a fantastic match.
Here’s the Albedo crew on the 3D printed, Star Trek inspired bridge available from LV427Designs
The Star Trek inspired miniatures using stargrave heads get to grips with an alien ship. Two of the miniatures are female humans. The other four are definitely alien. If you are a Star Trek fan and they remind you of an existing Star Trek species, please let me know in the comments, if not the Captain is going to have to break out the first contact paperwork!
The six new stargrave based conversions back on the bridge of the USS Cousteau which is the bridge of the ship we use in our Star Trek Adventures RPG campaign. I covered the bridge in an earlier blog, click here to take a look.