Recently we have been playing the Star Trek Role Playing module “The Prize”, set on Epsilon Alpha III. The crew of USS Cousteau answered a coded message from the research station alerting them of the discovery of some powerful alien technology under there archaeological dig site. The Away Team is soon joined by first Orion Pirates and then Ferengi Pirates all keen to get a piece of the action.
I found that my miniature collection was a little short of Ferengi Pirates so I set out to kit-bash myself a crew with the intention of being able to also field a completely Ferengi crew for Stargrave.

These are the pieces that I used for the conversion. The bodies are a mixture of male and female civilian bodies and the ship-suit from the ACP164:Albedo Miniatures Game, the arms are from the Stargrave plastic crew set. I used Crew II, which is the new Female Crew set but Crew I also has suitable arms. The heads are ‘Large Eared Alien’ heads from the Landing Party range.
The pieces all fitted together perfectly, there was only one body & arms combination that required a little plastic putty to fill a small gap.
I used Superglue that I pick up in a big bottle from the local builders merchant.
I have glued the miniatures on to temporary MDF bases for painting and varnishing.
The Ferengi have been painted using Army Painter Speedpaint.
I particularly like this Stargrave weapons arm which appears to be a robotic arm upgrade!
The Ferengi on the left will be used as an engineer or a Chiseler or safecracker in Stargrave
The Ferengi carrying the case will be used for either a Hacker / Codebreaker or Medic in my Stargrave crew.
It is possible to buy single frames of plastic miniatures to use for conversions to save the cost of buying a complete box.