Over the last week or so I have been expanding my 28mm star trek model bridge to include the area immediately outside the bridge. I have added a section of ‘three way corridor’ to enable the bridge to be connected to a turbo-lift and the Captains Ready Room.
The terrain had been 3D printed using eSun PLA+ at 0.2mm layer height on my Ender 5 Pro 3D printer. The files are all from the Star Trek inspired collection from LV427 Designs. All of the miniatures are from the Sally 4th Landing Party range, which includes standing figures that can be equipped with hand held phasers, phaser rifles, tricorders and ancillary equipment. There are also seated figures and chairs that are very useful to put on the bridge, offices, transporter rooms and many other places.
Next week I will make a start on painting some pieces for a second deck. We will start of with a second copy of the Turbolift shaft to connect the decks. I ‘m thinking of including Sickbay and a transporter room on the next deck.
I have also painted up some of the Landing Party Cy-borg drones. These come with male or female bodies, seperate arms and heads representing a wide variety of species that have been assimilated into the collective. My personal favourites are the ex-Ferenghi and ex-Andorians!
I have made my own thin, clear bases using a 25mm round punch and some Ultra-Pro Top Loader sleeves. I’ve tried lots of different materials, but have found that this has the right stiffness and it is easy to punch circles out of it. The Borg are made from the Cy-borg drones kits and were quickly painted using Army Painter speed paints.