State of the Game

by | Mar 18, 2025 | ACP164, Our Games | 1 comment

Hello dear reader, I just wanted to quickly talk about the state of the game, with a return to normal topics next week.

New Products

Yesterday we launched a new range of vehicles, and by popular demand they are STL downloads. You can buy them from the Sally 4th Store, or from We’ve spent a lot of time creating these, with a plans for future development currently underway, and I guess we are collectively holding our breath to see if anyone wants to buy them.

The Deep Green book is currently being edited and laid out. Should release in PDF this month.

I’m working on two further supplements to be released mid-year, as well as another project which is both bigger and smaller…

Web site is live, and you can keep up to date with what we’re working on there. There is a small, but growing forum as well, and a space for free downloads, which I will be populating over the coming months. Please join up – I’m looking for play testers who will help guide future development.


We fund new development by selling miniatures. How about a new squad to go with your freshly printed APC? We are happy to make new miniatures in STL format, and we need to to support the new campaigns. But to pay for that, we need to shift some metal…


This has been a very short blog post that covered what we’re up to currently. How are you getting involved with the game? Show your support by purchasing one or two things – times are tough for everyone, but STL files don’t attract tariffs (yet). Join the discussions on the forum, like and share on facebook.

Next week, let’s talk about robots.

1 Comment

  1. Thank you for the update.
    I am looking forward to seeing the game develop and being a part of it.
    My two cents worth is that to pay for the development of the sculpts it is important that you do not price the STL files too low.

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