Viking Village – 3D prints from Iain Lovecraft’s Viking Saga
This morning Mike came over for another exciting game of Pulp Alley, this time set in a Viking Village were the peace has been disturbed by the sudden appearance of ‘Avalanche’, a Snow Troll of monstrous proportions. I had planned a completely different murder-mystery solving sort of scenario, but Mike had just painted a snow troll and was very proud of it. We therefore decided to play a modified version of ‘Forbidden City’, a scenario from the Pulp Alley Perilous Island Campaign Book. Mike’s league consisted of a single Terror, ‘Avalanche’ (this is a resin model from Crooked Dice / 7TV Fantasy and is not part of Iain’s Viking Saga Kickstarter!) I fielded a league made up off Leader – Sixten, Sidekicks Branson and Halvard and an Ally Gunvald… These are all miniatures that are part of Viking Saga campaign. The objective of the game was for the Vikings to perform a ritual to banish the snow troll. This was achieved if a plot point was overcome at three altars (Power – 2 successes with Might or Finesse, Dreams – 2 successes with Finesse or Cunning, Knowledge – 2 successes with Cunning or Might) in the same turn. Once this was done and a wound was scored on the monster, Thor would come to the villagers aid and banish the troll back to the Netherworlds.
This is how it played out….
All of the terrain and miniatures (apart from the snow troll) are from Iain Lovecraft’s Viking Saga Kickstarter, and have been 3D printed. The terrain has been 3D printed on an Ender 5 using PLA+ at 0.2mm layer height.
The game was played using Pulp Alley.
Links to previous Viking Saga Articles: