Over the last couple of months I have been building a Dark Age / Viking Village in 28mm scale using the buildings and other models that Iain Lovecraft has been designing for his Viking Saga Kickstarter which launches on 13th September. These models have all bee 3D printed on my Ender 5 3D printer, at 0.2mm layer height using eSun PLA+.
The village started as a small settlement built between the beach of a natural harbour and a forest that supplied the people with plenty of building materials. The villagers discovered a vein of ore and sunk a mineshaft to gather the resource and built a pier to enable easy transfer to trading ships.
The village continued to prosper, so the next stage in it’s development was to develop a quayside to facilitate additional commerce. Thanks to the abundance of natural resources, this was easily achieved. A row of heavy piles were sunk into the beach at the ow tide mark. The area behind this was built up into a terrace, infilling with rock and waste material from the mine. A retaining log wall was constructed around it’s perimeter with a wooden road and ramp leading inland.
I modified three Sally 4th Terra-Former tiles to build the quayside onto. Iain added some runs of straight and 90 degree curved log walls. The beauty of 3D printing is that these could be modified in the ‘slicer’ before printing to be the exact height and width that was needed to build these log walls. The 3D printed log sections were glued to the MDF boards using superglue. The areas to the left and right, behind the log barriers were then filled with scrap polystyrene before being covered and smoothed with Sculpta-mould, which is a sort of paper reinforced plaster. The whole boards were then painted using Sandtex Chocolate Brown household paint. The logs were dry brushed ‘Leather Brown’ and then ‘Medium Flesh’ and the earth areas were painted over with PVA glue before being sprinkled with the sterilised, baked, sieved earth from my garden which is the foundation of all my terrain and figure basing.
Links to previous Viking Saga Articles:
Viking Saga – The Village Grows (Buildings, Mine & Pier)
Viking Saga – Getting started with the terrain
Viking Saga Launches on 13th September, Click here to be notified on launch