One of the questions that I see coming up continually in our emails and on Facebook and other forums is ‘how do your figures compare with ‘x’ and do you have any comparison photographs’? Up until know I have answered these queries by explaining that when Sally 4th started using Digital sculpts as masters for making metal miniatures we printed test prints in resin in many different scales and compared these with a basket of what I consider to be ‘standard’ 28mm figures. The ranges we compared with included Pulp Figures, Otherworld, Crooked Dice, Wargames Foundry, Artisan, Copplestone, Perry Miniatures and North Star. These are all ranges that I personally find broadly compatible and am happy to use in the same game. One of the things that we need to bare in mind, is of course that in the real world there are tall people, thin people, fat people and skinny people and I guess in-between people and that the pose of a miniature, what sort of base it is on and hair and hat all change or perception. However, after considering all these ranges, we came up with a digital master reference figure that we were happy with and now when ever we start a new range we scale the Digital Masters to this one reference figure.
I have been gaming with miniatures for over 40 years, so have figures from many, many manufacturers in my collection, so when ever I come across something new, I want to know how it compares to what I have already, so one of my new years resolutions is to go through all the Sally 4th Miniatures ranges and do a comparison photo-shoot and create a page like this for them.
I’ve started with the Sally 4th Pirates, our Swashbuckling Adventures range, designed by Iain Lovecraft. The most asked question with these is how do they compare and can I use them with Blood & Plunder. I have a lot of Pirates in my collection, but did not have any Blood & Plunder so I had to buy a pack and paint them up to see how they compare. The first thing that I noticed is that they come on 20mm bases. One of the great thing about Sally 4th Swashbuckling Adventures is that they do not come on any sort of base of plinth at all so it is easy to stick them on what ever sized base you want. I painted up three Sally 4th Miniatures at the same time as the Blood & Plunder miniatures and mounted them on 20mm MDF bases to give the best comparison.

Sally 4th Swashbuckling Adventure’s range compared to Blood & Plunder miniatures
Left to right we have:
Swashbuckling Adventures – Pirate Ruffian with Pistol & Cutlass
Blood & Plunder Marins (these two are a great comparison as similar dress and both standing upright)
Swashbuckling Adventures – Blackbeard Pirate Captain (He is wearing a hat, but if we look across his eyes line up)
Blood & Plunder Marins (looks a little shorter as his knees are bent)

Left to right we have:
Blood & Plunder Marins
Swashbuckling Adventures Rachel Ward
Artizan Miniatures (He looks slightly shorter, but has knees bent and feels like within range of human variation)
Left to right we have:
Firelock Games – Blood & Plunder Marins
Sally 4th Swashbuckling Adventures Pirate Ruffian with Pistol & Cutlass
Crusader Miniatures Pirate
Left to right we have:
Firelock Games – Blood & Plunder Marins
Sally 4th Swashbuckling Adventures Anne Bonny
Wargames Foundry Pirate – This range came out 20-30 years ago and figures have crept up since then, however I still use them… there just a bit shorter!
Left to right we have:
Firelock Games – Blood & Plunder Marins
Sally 4th Swashbuckling Adventures Captain Smollett
Wargames Foundry Pirate – This range came out 20-30 years ago and figures have crept up since then, however I still use them… there just a bit shorter!
Left to right we have:
Firelock Games – Blood & Plunder Marins
Sally 4th Swashbuckling Adventures Piere Legrand
North Star Frostgrave / Ghost Archipelago Crew
Left to right we have:
Firelock Games – Blood & Plunder Marins
Sally 4th Swashbuckling Adventures Pirate Ruffian with Pistol & Cutlass
North Star On The Seven Seas Pirate
I hope that you’ve found this a useful feature. I have been busy painting up some Victrix Miniatures Gauls to include in some comparison shots with the Sally 4th Might of Rome, Romans, so that will form basis of next comparison!