Since the new Bolt Action Starter Set has been released, I have been busy painting up the miniatures that came with it. Last week I posted a Hobby Blog showing how I had painted the twelve German Grenadiers. This week I am painting up the twelve US Rangers. I...
Bolt Action
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New Bolt Action Starter Set – Painting the German Grenadiers
Last week we got our stock in of the new Bolt Action Starter Set. I wanted to get the contents painted up to tabletop gaming standards as quickly as I could, so broke open my trusty collection of Army Painter Speed Paints and the new Vallejo Xpress range that has some...
Bolt Action Starter Set painted, based and ready for action!
Last week Friday I received our initial shop stock of the new Bolt Action Starter set from Warlord Games, plus a preview copy to paint up and run some demo games with. When I received it last Friday, I did (my first) unboxing video on YouTube. Over the last week, I...