Four weeks in to my Epic Punic Wars project and I feel that I have hit a bit of a milestone. The models in these photographs are the complete contents of the Republican Roman Division Box . I am very pleased with how these have turned out. They can be used as a...
Epic Punic Wars
Warlord Games Epic Punic Wars – Roman Infantry Painting Guide
Last week I was lucky enough to be sent a preview / demo set of the new Epic Punic Wars miniatures from Warlord Games. Even although I already have armies for Punic Wars using 28mm metal miniatures from Wargames Foundry, I am very excited by the possibilities offered...
Warlord Games Epic Punic Wars – Week 2 Painting
This week I have painted up my first unit of cavalry, 15 Spanish cavalry from the Allied Troops Division. The same three bases in line. I really like the ratio of frontage to depth that you get using these miniatures on 60mm x 20mm bases. I also painted up a unit of...
Warlord Games – Epic Punic Wars – Week 1: A start to painting
At the weekend I made a start on painting the first few units for the new Epic Punic Wars game from Warlord Games. I decided to make a start with the Allied Division Division. The four sprues in this box make up: 6 bases of Celtiberian warriors (20 soldiers each) 6...