Army of the Ice Queen: Second Brigade


Krampus King

Krampus King

Contains one 28mm scale miniature


3 in stock (can be backordered)

Krampus × 2


Contains six 28mm scale miniatures

£30.00 each

3 in stock (can be backordered)

Dokkaflar, The Elves from below

Dokkaflar, The Elves from below

Contains twenty 28mm scale miniatures


2 in stock (can be backordered)

Giant Ice Trolls of the North × 2

Giant Ice Trolls of the North

Contains five models

£25.00 each

4 in stock (can be backordered)

Lesser Witch

Lesser Witch

Contains one lesser witch (selected at random)

Models supplied unpainted and unassembled


4 in stock (can be backordered)



The War to Save Yule: Army of the Ice Queen: Second Brigade

Brigade composition

Points Cost No in Brigade Total Points
Krampus Herd Master 2 1 2
Krampus Regiment 5 2 10
Fallen Elf Regiment 6 1 6
Ice Troll Regiment 6 2 12
Lesser Witch 1 2 2
Brigade 2 Total 32

Additional information

Krampus King

Weight 40 g


Weight 220 g

Dokkaflar, The Elves from below

Weight 220 g

Giant Ice Trolls of the North

Weight 330 g

Lesser Witch

Weight 30 g


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