Colonel Franz Von Guffling


Colonel Franz Von Guffling

Contains one 28mm scale miniature

6 in stock (can be backordered)

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Colonel Franz Von Guffling

The bravest and smartest of the three Guufling brothers, Franz is the middle son of Baron Von Guufling. In his civilian role General Franz Guufling managed the bakery side of the Guufling confectionary empire. He is very fond of cakes and pastries and is rarely, if ever, seen without a piece of cake in his hand. His opponents should not be fooled, however, for he is a forceful personality responsible for current success of the Baron’s sweets business. He is renowned for his brash temper and is more than willing to throw his considerable weight around to make sure his orders are followed. Woe to subordinates who bungle or subvert his orders! More interested in history than his brothers, he has studied stories found in the ruin cities of the Last Great War, especially stories about a great red-haired leader who led conquering armies long ago. Impressed by these legendary accounts, Franz seeks to model his own life on that of this leader, even going so far as dyeing his hair red like his ancient hero.


While his brothers relied more on their father’s influence for their posts, Franz earned his commission due to his dedication and skill. Currently he is an Army General of the Central Province. Although impetuous by nature, he has learned to restrain himself until the right strategic moment. But when that moment comes, General Franz can be found in the front line, leading his men in the charge.

Contains one 28mm scale miniature

Additional information

Weight 30 g


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