Feudal Patrol Rules PDF Download


Feudal Patrol PDF Download covers all periods where melee is the determining factor in a battle.

Using these rules and appropriate miniatures you can game any ancient / medieval or fantasy period from the stone age throught to the seventeenth century.

Games uses individual mounted miniatures, in any scale, with typically  12 – 60 miniatures per side and a game lasting 2-3 hours.

A game can be played on an area from 3′ square to a full sized gaming table..

SKU: FPD00 Category:


Feudal Patrol PDF Download covers all periods where melee is the determining factor in a battle.

Using these rules and appropriate miniatures you can game any ancient / medieval or fantasy period from the stone age throught to the seventeenth century.

Games uses individual mounted miniatures, in any scale, with typically  12 – 60 miniatures per side and a game lasting 2-3 hours.

A game can be played on an area from 3′ square to a full sized gaming table..