Starship Crew Hand Held Energy Weapons


Three Fleet Crew in New Uniforms armed with Hand Held Energy Weapons


Three Fleet Crew in New Uniforms armed with Hand Held Energy Weapons

Multipart kit containing two male and one female body in New Fleet style uniforms with three random sets of arms with hand held enegy weapons and three random heads.
We have a wide range of different ‘alien’ heads available, if you want a specefic head type from our conversion range let us know in comments section of your order and we will do our best to accomodate.
Supplied with 25mm round black plastic slot bases.

The miniature range has been digitally sculpted and the figures are supplied as multi-piece metal castings to allow a wide variety of troop type to be depicted. The miniatures have been designed to overcome many of the problems associated with multi-piece metal castings. Heads are cast with a neck that finishes in a pin that locates in a hole in the body; where possible pairs of arms are cast as a pair holding a weapon with pins at tops of arms that locate in to holes in shoulders. This ensures that components align perfectly and are easy to glue together. Figures supplied with 25mm plastic slotta-base.

Additional information

Weight 80 g


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