Rebasing / Movement Trays for Warhammer The Old World

by | Jan 10, 2024 | Warhammer Fantasy | 0 comments

Warhammer Fantasy Battle is returning with a 9th edition called ‘The Old World’

One of the changes that has happened is that the bases sizes that had pretty much stayed the same from 1st to 8th edition have been altered for the new release. Heavy, shock cavalry have had there bases increased from 25mm x 50mm to 30mm x 60mm. Infantry bases that were 20mm square are now 25mm square and those that were originally 25mm square are now 30mm square.

I’m sure that I am not the only gamer who would like to be able to use there miniatures for all versions of the game plus all of the other excellent mass fantasy battle games that are available, like Wars of Orcs and Dwarves.

I have decided that, for me, the best option is to make some multiple miniature movement trays that bring the base ‘footprint’ up to the new sizes. I’ve gone for this option as it leaves the miniatures on the more ‘standard’ bases sizes for other versions / other games and it enables multiple figures to be moved together on a movement tray which speeds up play and offers better protection to miniatures than picking them up and moving them one at a time.

There are lots of options that you could take. If you have a 3D printer, you could print something similar, however, for me this is the best approach, and I’m sharing in case it is beneficial to anyone else. The materials that I am using are some thin cereal packet card, some steel vinyl and some MDF Movement trays. I’ve gone for thin card / steel vinyl as a base layer as I wanted the trays to be as thin as possible so as to not increase the height of the models. I add magnetic vinyl to the underside of models to help protect them, so the steel vinyl in the trays will help by holding the models firmly in place. I have designed some MDF Movement trays for my own use and have made them available in the Sally 4th Miniatures, Old School Fantasy Battle section, in case they are useful to anyone else.

The steel vinyl is self adhesive, so easily stuck to the thin card. I glued the MDF Movement trays to the steel vinyl using Superglue, (I use a big pot from the builders merchant).

After a minute the superglue is dry and the trays are cut out using a hobby knife and a cutting mat.

The movement trays were painted a dark chocolate brown using Sandtex masonry paint. They were then painted with pva glue and dipped in my soil basing mix (which is actual sterilised soil from the garden). When the glue has dried they are sprayed with matt varnish to seal them, before more pva glue is applied to hold some Woodlands Scenic mixed turf in position.

All of the bases and movement trays have been finished the same way to give a nice unified appearance to the army.

Some models have had some nice ‘Gamers Grass’ tufts added to the bases, before soil was applied.

All of the miniatures in my army are metal castings from Sally 4th Old School Fantasy Battle range, designed by Celia Miniatures.


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