
My Carnevale / Venice Table

My Carnevale / Venice Table

I've been a huge fan of Carnevale for many years. Last year my good friend Iain Lovecraft designed some fantastic Venice inspired wargames terrain and miniatures. This terrain is designed with gaming in mind, lots of flat or slightly angled roofs that miniatures can...

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Painting WaterSpire Cthulhu Deep Ones

Painting WaterSpire Cthulhu Deep Ones

The Deep Ones are one of the most iconic HP Lovecraft adversaries so I was delighted that Iain Lovecraft agreed to sculpt a set of them for the WaterSpire Kickstarter. The WaterSpire campaign contains buildings, canals, gondolas, statues, bridges, and scatter terrain...

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WaterSpire – The Year of the Rat

WaterSpire – The Year of the Rat

A long time ago, in a far off and whimsical land, the evil Pi-Rat Baron Cluny the Invincible heard of a beautiful and prosperous coastal city, WaterSpire. A city of deep murky canals and elegant souring spires and the home of the industrious town mice and repository...

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Dr Who and the Venetian Sea Devils

Dr Who and the Venetian Sea Devils

This morning Mike and I have been enjoying an excellent game of 7TV on the Venetian inspired WaterSpire 3D Printed terrain. Our game is inspired by Dr Who and uses 30 point casts. My cast is based around The Dr (Unearthly Traveller), his plucky assistant (Plucky...

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