Goblin Civil War – Sally 4th

Click here to view the Goblin Civil War Gallery
Click here to visit the Goblin Civil War Facebook Page.
These items are all Pre-Order / Late Pledges which will ship Mid May 2022
The Goblin Civil War is a set of miniatures rules and a range of figures for fighting
The Goblin Civil War,a fantasy campaign inspired by the historical events of
The Spanish Civil War.
The Miniatures are:
- Traditionally hand sculpted
- Cast by hand in traditional metal
- Sculpted with simple levels of detail for ease of painting, but with bags of character
The Rules are:
- Designed for Platoon level engagements
- Easy to learn but with subtle nuiances and trade offs
- Cover a wide range of army / unit types
Goblin Civil War Products
A set of videos by games designer, Elton Waters describing the key mechanics of Goblin Civil War
The Goblin Civil War Miniatures Game
Turn Overview
GCW Force Creation
GCW Shooting
GCW Melee
GCW Recovery