The Dominion of the Nome King

Living in the no-man’s land between the East and the West are the mischievous but dangerous Nomes. On maps, their Dominion is northwest of the Great Unknown Mountains. The Dominion is dotted with the
small warrens of the Nomes. These are underground caves with gardens, corrals, and fields on the surface.
Outsiders assume warrens only house a few families since there are virtually no structures on the surface.
In truth, several hundred Nomes live in most warrens in hidden chambers connected by tunnels. Nomes
live as much as 80% of their lives underground. Tunnel “highways connect individual warrens.” As a
result, the Dominion of the Nome King sprawls across a much larger area than surface-dwellers wouldguess.
The Nomes are expansionist by nature. Their tunnel network is already under the Mystic Forest and the Great Unknown Mountains. Now, at the urging of King Ruggedo, the Nomes have tunneled right up to – and in a few places over – the western border of Munchkin land. In the other direction, they are almost up to the eastern border of Noland. The Nome’s understanding of borders is simple. “If we live there, the land belongs to us.” However, Nomes are not evil and are fierce enemies of the Mola, Gillikins, and King Krampus. They are always enemies of the Albine Giants and Frost Trolls and will not serve in any army that includes them.

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