Professor Nitpicks' Industrial City

After enduring a constant stream of wars, raiders, and bandits, Professor Nitpik has had enough. For
years, he relied on rumor and reputation to keep intruders away while he puttered in his laboratories and
workshops. But times have changed, and the new arms race of his neighbors is forcing Professor Nitpik to
upgrade his army or die. Nitpik has no desire to die, so he has been inventing at a furious pace in the last
few years. Defending is no longer enough, and Nitpik has devoted himself to creating a new army – the
Legion de Mecanique. With this new force, his generals defend the borders and raid the ruins throughout
Ozz for mechanical supplies and ancient technologies.
While Nitpik could simply make more mechanical axemen, he is the foremost inventor in Ozz. He has
designed all-new weapons for his mechanical men: flame-shooting napalm projectors and plasma blasters
troops. Equipped with clockwork brains, his automatons can work in formation to match living soldiers.
With their armored shells, they are dangerous in melee, and their ranged attacks are fearsome.