Venice 1943 – 02 Hundred Hours

by | May 5, 2023 | 02 Hundred Hours, Battle Reports | 0 comments

I am a huge fan of 02 Hundred Hours, the game of night time raids in WW2. The games innovative mechanisms do a great job at representing the difficult choices and risks associated with creeping around at night in close proximity to the enemy. It was a lucky coincidence that Grey for Now Games brought out a Partisan supplement just at the time that we were working on Venetian inspired city terrain for the WaterSpire Kickstarter.

A quick bit of research on the Internet told me that in 1943 Venice was occupied by the Germans and a courageous resistance to occupation was soon started.

Mike & I decided to try out the introductory scenario from 02 Hundred Hours, Hunted using the newly released (and hurriedly painted) Partisans.

The Partisans cover has been blown and they are attempting to flee the tightening noose of the German patrols. To win at least three Partisans must escape from the exfiltration point at the opposite side of the table.

The action takes place at night, although you would not think it from these photographs (in the interests of not damaging the models and getting some photos to share, we left the lights on!). The German sentries are engaged in a roving patrol, and can not move towards or shoot at a target until it has given it’s position away by making some noise. Here we see our leader has revealed her position, while one of her comrades is stealthily moving across the open ground, undetected.

At this point our Partisans had very unwisely bunched up. They were cursed with a particularly unlucky pair of recruits who would not stop bickering the whole game. They failed a stealth check early on, and how ever many turns they wasted attempting to hide again they could just not pull it off. The German sentry has also revealed him self. He is spraying the Partisans with his SMG, which is very noisy.

The Partisan leader and Astrid the Partisan Agent make a run for the bridge and escape. Even although Astrid is using a silenced Pistol, she has still revealed her position and a German Sentry with a Guard dog is closing in on them.

Two Partisans are getting very close to the escape point, but the German sentries are slowly redeploying to cut off there escape.

In the end three Partisans made it across the bridge, but one was shot in the back by a German sentry as they made the last dash for freedom. With only two out of the original six Partisans escaping, the game was declared a German victory. Well done Mike!

All of the buildings, bridges, statues, gondolas and other scatter terrain are part of the WaterSpire Kickstarter which is live at the moment and runs until the 19th May. Click here to take a look!

Earlier in the week I wrote a hobby blog article about how I painted the brick and stone work on these Venetian inspired buildings. Click here to take a look.


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