Twenty or so years ago, when I ran a games store I had at least a small, playable army for each army list in Games Workshops Warhammer Fantasy Battle and WH40K game, how ever my 'personal' army, and very much my favourite was always the Bretonnians. I guess I was a...
Sally 4th
What A Cultist – Horror effects in What A Cowboy
Last Friday (21st July), John and I got together for another game of 'What A Cowboy', the Old West skirmish game from Too Fat Lardies. John, Doug and I have been playing a lot of the game recently, first learning the rules and then starting a campaign. The game works...
What A Cowboy… What A Cultist!
Over the last couple of months, Doug, John and I have been really enjoying learning Too Fat Lardies, What A Cowboy Western Skirmish rules. We have played some great games set in the Old West. The mechanisms work well and are a lot of fun. I've started thinking about...
Some new soldier conversions for Frostgrave
On Sunday I painted up six of the fantastic new Magi figures from Iain Lovecraft's Frost:2 Kickstarter, (click here for a read of the hobby blog I wrote about painting them). On Monday I got to thinking how much I'd like to use them for a league in Frostgrave, how...
Frost 2: Painting the Magi
Sunday morning, I had three hours to spare while Ann was working and as on Saturday the postie had delivered some 3D prints of these lovely six Magi from Iain Lovecraft's Frost 2 Kickstarter campaign, I decided that I would have a go at painting them up, quickly, to...
Frost 2: Painting Oldkeep Barracks
Over the last few weeks, I have had the privilege to be able to test print and paint some of the beautiful models from my good friend, Iain Lovecraft's new terrain and miniatures Kickstarter, Frost 2. This lovely plaster and timber building with a wood tiled roof...
Wars of Ozz / Pulp Alley Skirmish
On Friday Doug, John and I got together to play a Wars of Ozz skirmish game using Pulp Alley. The game was set in a semi submerged area of post apocalyptic ruins, where rumour had it that there was an ancient treasure hidden, waiting to be claimed by who ever could...
Tears of a Clown – Painting 28mm WaterSpire Clown with Speedpaints
With a few days left to run on the WaterSpire Kickstarter which completes on Friday 19th, I am trying to put together a quick and easy painting guide to get 'gaming quality' miniatures on the table in double quick time. This morning I have painted 'The Clown'. After...
Painting WaterSpire Cthulhu Deep Ones
The Deep Ones are one of the most iconic HP Lovecraft adversaries so I was delighted that Iain Lovecraft agreed to sculpt a set of them for the WaterSpire Kickstarter. The WaterSpire campaign contains buildings, canals, gondolas, statues, bridges, and scatter terrain...
Venice 1943 – 02 Hundred Hours
I am a huge fan of 02 Hundred Hours, the game of night time raids in WW2. The games innovative mechanisms do a great job at representing the difficult choices and risks associated with creeping around at night in close proximity to the enemy. It was a lucky...
Bond in Venice
Recovering the plans had been complicated. Special Agent Hinks had not expected the British Agent, Bond to at the Cathedral rendezvous. They had been compromised. That is when the fun really started. A fast Carlson was in position, keys in the ignition to take them to...
Painting Venetian Brick & Stone
For the last five or six months a significant amount of my hobby time has been spent painting model buildings inspired by the architecture of Venice, the floating city. It all started around a year ago. I was talking with my good friend, Iain Lovecraft about how I...
Dr Who and the Venetian Sea Devils
This morning Mike and I have been enjoying an excellent game of 7TV on the Venetian inspired WaterSpire 3D Printed terrain. Our game is inspired by Dr Who and uses 30 point casts. My cast is based around The Dr (Unearthly Traveller), his plucky assistant (Plucky...
Yes…. but how do the compare with Sally 4th’s Viking Saga range?
Sally4th Viking Saga Shieldmaiden (right) crosses sword with a Gripping Beast Saxon Warrior (left). We have had quiet a few gamers write to us to ask how the new range of Sally 4th Viking Legends match up size wise with other ranges, so I have put this page together...
WaterSpire – The Year of the Rat
A long time ago, in a far off and whimsical land, the evil Pi-Rat Baron Cluny the Invincible heard of a beautiful and prosperous coastal city, WaterSpire. A city of deep murky canals and elegant souring spires and the home of the industrious town mice and repository...
Pulp Alley – The Four Faces of Dr Fang
Last week Mike and I got together to play the Pulp Alley Scenario - The Four Faces of Dr Fang from the Pulp Alley Scenario's Book. This is one of my favourite scenarios, I've played it multiple times, set in different genres and it is always a lot of fun. I...
Harlot’s Den
Harlot's Den is the latest Sally 4th Kickstarter. The miniatures are sculpted by the hugely talented Iain Lovecraft and are available to either 3D print at home, or as top quality physical miniatures, cast in plastic. The set contains eight ladies and six gents...
Feudal Patrol Vikings – Vapnartak The Assault on the Gate
Last weekend Lewis & I were play testing one of the four participation games that we are going to be running on Sunday 5th February at Vapnartak Wargames Show at York Racecourse. Our games feature the Viking Town / Seaport (click here for earlier blog with details...
Getting ready for Vapnartak 2023 – Jorvik Assault
Over the last couple of weeks, hobby time has been focussed on finishing off terrain and figures and play testing scenarios for our participation game at the Vapnartak Wargames Show, hosted by York Wargames Club at York Racecourse on Sunday 5th February. We will be...
Wars of Orcs and Dwarves First 10mm Travel Game
Last weekend Lewis and I went for a weekend away at Centre Parcs. This is an annual family get together, with 30+ of us meeting up. It is always a lot of fun, and I normally take a couple of board games to play some time over the weekend. I have over the last few...
0200 Hours – Hunted
Last week Lewis and I got together to have a first game of 0200 Hundred Hours, Night Raids in World War Two. 0200 Hours is published by Grey for Now Games and focuses on night time raids with 5 - 20 models per side. The starter set comes includes the rulebook, cards,...
2023: The Year in Miniatures
This blog is going to be used to document the miniatures painted in 2023. Total 28mm Miniatures Painted: 164 & 2 Chariots Updated 26th July 2023 July 2023 28mm Cthulhu Investigators x 4, 3D printed from designs by Enigmatic World and painted using Army Painter...
Yes… but how do they compare with Swashbuckling Adventurers range?
Sally 4th Swashbuckling Adventure's range compared to Blood & Plunder miniatures One of the questions that I see coming up continually in our emails and on Facebook and other forums is 'how do your figures compare with 'x' and do you have any comparison...
Carnevale – Adventures in Venice
Hobby blog covering getting started, collecting, painting miniatures, making terrain and playing Carnevale, the miniatures game set in a fantasy renaissance Venice
Pulp Alley: Going Underground!
A few weeks ago Doug, John and Keith came over for a four player game of Pulp Alley. We were trying out something a little different, a Pulp Alley Dungeon Crawl with hidden terrain. At the start of the game all areas apart from the four starting areas were covered up...
Battle of Prestonpans, 1745 using Wars of Orcs & Dwarves!!!
The Battle of Prestonpans was the first battle of the last Jacobite Rising. It took place on 20-21 September 1745. The Jacobite army led by Charles Edward Stuart (Bonnie Prince Charlie) achieved a stunning and unexpectedly one-sided victory over the Government forces...
Infamy, Infamy
Infamy, Infamy is a 'super skirmish' set of Ancients rules, published by Too Fat Lardies, that cover the wars between Rome and her barbarian enemies between 60BC to AD100. Figures are mounted individually but fight as part of units that are deployed on movement trays...
Tabletop Gaming, Getting Started Part 3
Little & Large - Same figures - different scales. Welcome to week six of my getting started with tabletop gaming on a budget blog. If you’ve not read the first weeks blog, it’s worth catching up on as it explains the parameters or rationale, and the thoughts...
Gangs of the Undercity – Zombie Dawn
Mike and I got together for a great game of Gangs of the Undercity. Gangs of the Undercity is our own 'fan variant' of Gangs of Rome, that allows you to play a Gang themed skirmish in any medieval / fantasy themed city. We have produced a set of Gangs of the Undercity...
28mm Pulp Alley Discworld Zombie Action
The setting: An underground dungeon hidden beneath some zombie infested ruins! Last week I got together with my son Lewis, over Zoom to play some Pulp Alley, one of our long time favourite games. We have a second webcam mounted on the ceiling above the games table to...
Tabletop Gaming – Getting Started Part 2
Copplestone Castings - TM2 Half Orc Spearmen Welcome to week two of my getting started with tabletop gaming on a budget blog. If you've not read the first weeks blog, it's worth catching up on as it explains the parameters or rationale, and the thoughts behind the...
Rome was not built in a day, but lets see how we do in 6 months!
My hobby blog about gaming, painting and model making for Gangs of Rome. Gangs of Rome, is a skirmish miniatures game set in Ancient Rome where rival houses use gangs of thugs to gain advantage and influence.
Tabletop Miniature Gaming – Getting Started
An article about getting starting tabletop miniature gaming on a budget with restricted space and solo gaming potential.
Feudal Patrol Robin Hood
The November issue of Miniature Wargames (Issue 475) contains a fantastic set of 3 scenarios for Robin Hood themed miniature gaming using the Feudal Patrol skirmish set of rules, (although the scenarios could be played with any good set of skirmish rules). The article...
Star Trek Ferengi Pirate Conversions
So... how many Ferengi can you fit in the turbo-lift? Recently we have been playing the Star Trek Role Playing module "The Prize", set on Epsilon Alpha III. The crew of USS Cousteau answered a coded message from the research station alerting them of the discovery of...
Nobody does it better
The Spy Who Loved Me has always been one of my favourite vintage James Bond Movies. I have strong recollections of going to see it at the cinema with my Nan when it was released. As a gamer, the submarine breakout scene has always felt like it would translate...
Ice Troll Attack!
Thanks to Mike Strong for this beautiful comic book rendition of yesterdays Pulp Alley game. The game was a huge amount of fun. Everything in the photos (miniatures, buildings & ships) apart from the Ice Troll and the modular terrain boards are from Iain...
Viking Saga – Midsummer Avalanche
Viking Village - 3D prints from Iain Lovecraft's Viking Saga This morning Mike came over for another exciting game of Pulp Alley, this time set in a Viking Village were the peace has been disturbed by the sudden appearance of 'Avalanche', a Snow Troll of monstrous...
Star Trek Skirmish Gaming: The Prize
John shuffles his action deck and surveys the developing situation. Born in 1965, I have been a life long fan of Star Trek. Other Sci-Fi has come along over the last 55 years, and much of that has been great too, but Star Trek has always had a special place in my...
The War to Save Yule – Rivers of Ice
The Ice Queens Army marches across the River of Ice On the 1st October, two new armies for Wars of Ozz go on pre-order for November shipping.. just in time for Christmas. The new forces are The Army of the Ice Queen and the Army of Yule. The Ice Queens Army includes...
Dark Age Viking Harbour
Over the last few months I have been 3D printing and painting models to build a Dark Age Scandinavian Harbour. All of the ships, walls and buildings are from Iain Lovecraft's Viking Saga Kickstarter that launches on Tuesday 13th September. Before I started working on...
Viking Village – Beach becomes a Quay
Over the last couple of months I have been building a Dark Age / Viking Village in 28mm scale using the buildings and other models that Iain Lovecraft has been designing for his Viking Saga Kickstarter which launches on 13th September. These models have all bee 3D...
Viking Saga – Merchant Trading Ship – Knarr
Knarr heads to the open seas Over the last month I have been test printing and painting some of the beautiful models that are going to feature in my good friend, Iain Lovecraft's Viking Saga Kickstarter. I wrote a blog a few weeks ago about painting and rigging the...
Tiger Lilly is being held hostage! Pulp Alley in Neverland
An exciting battle report of a Peter Pan Pulp Alley game played using 28mm metal Peter Pan miniatures.
Painting some Sci-Fi Warriors
Last night I decided to assemble and paint an additional nine of these sci-fi warriors to use to represent Klingons in my Star Trek role playing and miniatures games. warriors with pistols The miniatures are cast with separate heads and arms meaning that they can be...
Iain Lovecraft – Treasure Island – The Lighthouse
Over the last week I have been printing a copy of 'The Lighthouse' from Iain Lovecraft's 'Treasure Island' Kickstarter. Treasure Island was a Kickstarter, ran by Iain Lovecraft in February 2022. I was deeply honoured to be invited by Iain to test some of the new...
Star Trek – Miniatures Game USS Cousteau and The Borg
The USS Cousteau Captains Ready Room and Turbolift Over the last week or so I have been expanding my 28mm star trek model bridge to include the area immediately outside the bridge. I have added a section of 'three way corridor' to enable the bridge to be connected to...
28mm Viking Longboats
Viking Saga 28mm Longboats designed by Iain Lovecraft Over the last couple of weeks I have been test printing and painting models that are going to feature in Iain Lovecraft's Viking Saga which launches on Tuesday 13th September. If you'd like to be notified on...
Pulp Alley – The Legend of Robin Hood’s Bay
Last Friday, Doug and I got together to play a Robin Hood themed game of Pulp Alley. Rather than playing in the more familiar environment of Sherwood Forest, we were taken by the local legend of Robin in action in North Yorkshire. "An English ballad and legend tell a...
Viking Saga – The Village Grows
Over the last week I have been busy 3D printing and painting 28mm scale Viking buildings designed by Iain Lovecraft for his new Kickstarter which is scheduled to launch on 16th August. The additions since my last hobby blog have been the Jetty ready for visiting...