Hobby Blog

Dungeon Saga Origins

Dungeon Saga Origins

Back in March I backed Mantic Games, Dungeon Saga Origin campaign. I had backed there original Dungeon Saga and had really enjoyed it. It's my favourite dungeon crawl board game! At the weekend the new version arrived in the post. I was very, very impressed with the...

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Early Imperial Romans vs Germans with WooD

Early Imperial Romans vs Germans with WooD

Yesterday my good friend Mike came around to put the new Sally 4th Early Imperial Romans through there paces. The Legionaries are part of a large range of models in the pipeline covering Rome's wars and her enemies. The models are 28mm metal miniatures, designed by...

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Quick, Easy & Great Looking Random Battlefields

Quick, Easy & Great Looking Random Battlefields

Sally 4th has been offering a series of great looking game mats / cloths for some while and over the last six months or so we have been working on a system of terrain overlays for woods, marshes, settlements, rivers tracks and roads. Some times we have a scenario in...

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Pulp Alley: Rome vs Cthulhu

Pulp Alley: Rome vs Cthulhu

Over the last year I have been working on a number of Rome themed gaming projects. We are at the moment running a Kickstarter campaign, For the Glory of Rome that includes some fantastic Early Imperial Legionaries and civilians sculpted by Iain Lovecraft. They are the...

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Speed-painting Rob Roy Highlanders

Speed-painting Rob Roy Highlanders

I thought it would be useful to put a quick article together to show how I paint my Highlanders' quickly to table-top gaming standard. I am definitely more of a gamer than a painter, so when I paint I am interested in the effect from three to four foot away, as this...

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Speed-painting Souk Props

Speed-painting Souk Props

Over the years Ann and I have enjoyed several trips to Morocco and have always been captivated by the sights, sounds and smells of the Souk's or markets, often located in the beautiful old Medinas. For me two of the most distinguishing signs of a North African...

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Rob Roy 28mm Miniatures

Rob Roy 28mm Miniatures

Ever since I saw the Rob Roy movie back in 1995, I have always thought that the plot has a lot of skirmish gaming potential. The very talented Iain Lovecraft has designed a set of miniatures and terrain and David Phipps from Pulp Alley is developing some scenarios to...

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Paint my Wagon: 28mm Old West Wagons

Paint my Wagon: 28mm Old West Wagons

I've been a big fan of the Dead Man's Hand plastic gunfighters ever since they were first released because of the versatility you have to put together some miniatures armed and equipped exactly how you want them. I was therefore very excited to hear that they were...

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What A Cowboy… What A Cultist!

What A Cowboy… What A Cultist!

Over the last couple of months, Doug, John and I have been really enjoying learning Too Fat Lardies, What A Cowboy Western Skirmish rules. We have played some great games set in the Old West. The mechanisms work well and are a lot of fun. I've started thinking about...

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Frost 2: Painting the Magi

Frost 2: Painting the Magi

Sunday morning, I had three hours to spare while Ann was working and as on Saturday the postie had delivered some 3D prints of these lovely six Magi from Iain Lovecraft's Frost 2 Kickstarter campaign, I decided that I would have a go at painting them up, quickly, to...

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Frost 2: Painting Oldkeep Barracks

Frost 2: Painting Oldkeep Barracks

Over the last few weeks, I have had the privilege to be able to test print and paint some of the beautiful models from my good friend, Iain Lovecraft's new terrain and miniatures Kickstarter, Frost 2. This lovely plaster and timber building with a wood tiled roof...

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Wars of Ozz / Pulp Alley Skirmish

Wars of Ozz / Pulp Alley Skirmish

On Friday Doug, John and I got together to play a Wars of Ozz skirmish game using Pulp Alley. The game was set in a semi submerged area of post apocalyptic ruins, where rumour had it that there was an ancient treasure hidden, waiting to be claimed by who ever could...

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Painting WaterSpire Cthulhu Deep Ones

Painting WaterSpire Cthulhu Deep Ones

The Deep Ones are one of the most iconic HP Lovecraft adversaries so I was delighted that Iain Lovecraft agreed to sculpt a set of them for the WaterSpire Kickstarter. The WaterSpire campaign contains buildings, canals, gondolas, statues, bridges, and scatter terrain...

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Bond in Venice

Bond in Venice

Recovering the plans had been complicated. Special Agent Hinks had not expected the British Agent, Bond to at the Cathedral rendezvous. They had been compromised. That is when the fun really started. A fast Carlson was in position, keys in the ignition to take them to...

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Painting Venetian Brick & Stone

Painting Venetian Brick & Stone

For the last five or six months a significant amount of my hobby time has been spent painting model buildings inspired by the architecture of Venice, the floating city. It all started around a year ago. I was talking with my good friend, Iain Lovecraft about how I...

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Dr Who and the Venetian Sea Devils

Dr Who and the Venetian Sea Devils

This morning Mike and I have been enjoying an excellent game of 7TV on the Venetian inspired WaterSpire 3D Printed terrain. Our game is inspired by Dr Who and uses 30 point casts. My cast is based around The Dr (Unearthly Traveller), his plucky assistant (Plucky...

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WaterSpire – The Year of the Rat

WaterSpire – The Year of the Rat

A long time ago, in a far off and whimsical land, the evil Pi-Rat Baron Cluny the Invincible heard of a beautiful and prosperous coastal city, WaterSpire. A city of deep murky canals and elegant souring spires and the home of the industrious town mice and repository...

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Harlot’s Den

Harlot’s Den

Harlot's Den is the latest Sally 4th Kickstarter. The miniatures are sculpted by the hugely talented Iain Lovecraft and are available to either 3D print at home, or as top quality physical miniatures, cast in plastic. The set contains eight ladies and six gents...

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0200 Hours – Hunted

0200 Hours – Hunted

Last week Lewis and I got together to have a first game of 0200 Hundred Hours, Night Raids in World War Two. 0200 Hours is published by Grey for Now Games and focuses on night time raids with 5 - 20 models per side. The starter set comes includes the rulebook, cards,...

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2023: The Year in Miniatures

2023: The Year in Miniatures

This blog is going to be used to document the miniatures painted in 2023. Total 28mm Miniatures Painted: 164 & 2 Chariots Updated 26th July 2023 July 2023 28mm Cthulhu Investigators x 4, 3D printed from designs by Enigmatic World and painted using Army Painter...

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Pulp Alley: Going Underground!

Pulp Alley: Going Underground!

A few weeks ago Doug, John and Keith came over for a four player game of Pulp Alley. We were trying out something a little different, a Pulp Alley Dungeon Crawl with hidden terrain. At the start of the game all areas apart from the four starting areas were covered up...

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Infamy, Infamy

Infamy, Infamy

Infamy, Infamy is a 'super skirmish' set of Ancients rules, published by Too Fat Lardies, that cover the wars between Rome and her barbarian enemies between 60BC to AD100. Figures are mounted individually but fight as part of units that are deployed on movement trays...

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Tabletop Gaming, Getting Started Part 3

Tabletop Gaming, Getting Started Part 3

Little & Large - Same figures - different scales. Welcome to week six of my getting started with tabletop gaming on a budget blog. If you’ve not read the first weeks blog, it’s worth catching up on as it explains the parameters or rationale, and the thoughts...

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28mm Pulp Alley Discworld Zombie Action

28mm Pulp Alley Discworld Zombie Action

The setting: An underground dungeon hidden beneath some zombie infested ruins! Last week I got together with my son Lewis, over Zoom to play some Pulp Alley, one of our long time favourite games. We have a second webcam mounted on the ceiling above the games table to...

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Feudal Patrol Robin Hood

Feudal Patrol Robin Hood

The November issue of Miniature Wargames (Issue 475) contains a fantastic set of 3 scenarios for Robin Hood themed miniature gaming using the Feudal Patrol skirmish set of rules, (although the scenarios could be played with any good set of skirmish rules). The article...

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Star Trek Ferengi Pirate Conversions

Star Trek Ferengi Pirate Conversions

So... how many Ferengi can you fit in the turbo-lift? Recently we have been playing the Star Trek Role Playing module "The Prize", set on Epsilon Alpha III. The crew of USS Cousteau answered a coded message from the research station alerting them of the discovery of...

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Nobody does it better

Nobody does it better

The Spy Who Loved Me has always been one of my favourite vintage James Bond Movies. I have strong recollections of going to see it at the cinema with my Nan when it was released. As a gamer, the submarine breakout scene has always felt like it would translate...

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